Since now i have a nice camera to take pics with, I decided to use it and try to spot places in Bruxelles in different moments of the year.
First target: Le Botanique. On a cloudy and grey day, one of the many from the rainy Brussles i decided to go there during lunch break.
Altough so far it didn't snow in Brussels, the garden seemed a bit dead, a bit asleep. However, i managed to take some nice pictures. In summer the vegetation and the sculpture can create a way better landscape.
Botanique used to be the botanic garden of Belgium and also the main orangery. Nowadays it's just a small garden and a concert venue with a coffee bar.
It was quite a cold day so not that many people ware in the park.One or 2 beggars, a jogging old man (did I mention that here people in their 50's run a lot and practice sports in their lunch breaks? ).
There were quite a few people from the salubrite taking care of the dead plants, cleaning the water, keeping the garden proper and well maintained.
The Botanique concert venue is nothing amazing but they alywas have concerts and events of rather uknown artists. I once had the chance to go to a concert and I enjoyed it despite of not the most amazing venue.
Just 2 weeks ago I had our Friday lunch with my colleagues at the restaurant inside. The place looks nice and the food is tasty but you can only choose pasta and some italian entries. The prices are a bit high: around 15 euros for pasta and another 3 for a drink.
I will just let you enjoy a few pictures i took untill my hands were completed frozen:
Le Botanique hosts around 50 bronze sculptures. They are not very well maintained but is just this the reason why they have a certain charm. My favourite is this one
I like how in Botanique you can feel relaxed and enjoy the nature right in the middle of the city. You can see the skyscrapers line which is just nearby, you can feel the traffic on La petitte ceinture but somehow you manage to get relaxed and enjoy nature.
And finally some pictures that seem more like from a late autumn than from the middle of winter in such a northen country.
First target: Le Botanique. On a cloudy and grey day, one of the many from the rainy Brussles i decided to go there during lunch break.
Altough so far it didn't snow in Brussels, the garden seemed a bit dead, a bit asleep. However, i managed to take some nice pictures. In summer the vegetation and the sculpture can create a way better landscape.
Botanique used to be the botanic garden of Belgium and also the main orangery. Nowadays it's just a small garden and a concert venue with a coffee bar.
It was quite a cold day so not that many people ware in the park.One or 2 beggars, a jogging old man (did I mention that here people in their 50's run a lot and practice sports in their lunch breaks? ).
There were quite a few people from the salubrite taking care of the dead plants, cleaning the water, keeping the garden proper and well maintained.
The Botanique concert venue is nothing amazing but they alywas have concerts and events of rather uknown artists. I once had the chance to go to a concert and I enjoyed it despite of not the most amazing venue.
Just 2 weeks ago I had our Friday lunch with my colleagues at the restaurant inside. The place looks nice and the food is tasty but you can only choose pasta and some italian entries. The prices are a bit high: around 15 euros for pasta and another 3 for a drink.
I will just let you enjoy a few pictures i took untill my hands were completed frozen:
Le Botanique hosts around 50 bronze sculptures. They are not very well maintained but is just this the reason why they have a certain charm. My favourite is this one
I like how in Botanique you can feel relaxed and enjoy the nature right in the middle of the city. You can see the skyscrapers line which is just nearby, you can feel the traffic on La petitte ceinture but somehow you manage to get relaxed and enjoy nature.
And finally some pictures that seem more like from a late autumn than from the middle of winter in such a northen country.
Buna ziua,
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Astept un raspuns din partea dumneavoastra.
Cu stima,
Daniel Stroe